About Me

finding your way

Journeying through the vibrant tapestry of life, I cherish the quiet solitude that shapes my thoughts and creativity. Yet, it’s the laughter and companionship of my son, my Lion of Judah, my Leo, that truly brighten my days—without him, life as a loner would be pretty boring. Together, we explore the boundless realms of imagination and adventure.

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About Me

Hello! I’m Nichasie, a Las Vegas native and creative multi-talent based in Mississippi. I engage in acting, modeling, music, and writing, with a focus on blending arts and sciences. Currently pursuing a BS in Marketing with a concentration in Social Media, I'm also a freelance scriptwriter and avid traveler. My work, including my novel "Echoes of Invention," explores the impact of human creativity. I’m passionate about storytelling's power to inspire change and foster a deeper connection with the world. 

Connect with me to explore and share inspiring stories. 

Best, Nichasie


I'm Nichasie, a narrative alchemist from Las Vegas, now crafting tales from my quiet corner in Mississippi. From a young age, I was enchanted by stories—those hidden keys to undiscovered worlds and blueprints for imagined realities. My journey in creative writing has been driven by a relentless quest to craft narratives that entertain, provoke thought, and inspire change.


I'm also an avid traveler and businesswoman, navigating the thrilling intersection of art and commerce. As a model and actress, I slip into various characters, each a new layer of human experience. My love for music is expressed through the strings of cellos and violins, and my academic path as an honors student in Marketing, with a concentration in Social Media, enriches my understanding of digital landscapes.


Before turning to write full-time, I explored various roles in the arts, each offering new perspectives that now enrich my narratives. My debut novel, "Echoes of Invention," draws on these experiences, blending historical intrigue with speculative innovation to examine the impact of our actions over time

When I'm not weaving stories, you might find me amidst nature, drawing inspiration from its beauty or advocating for environmental conservation and ethical technology use. I believe in the transformative power of stories to reflect and drive societal change.

In addition to writing, I'm a freelance script and screenplay writer, a passionate blogger, and a web wiz, constantly engaged in shaping digital narratives. Living in Mississippi with my family, including my son Corlon, to whom my first novel is dedicated, I'm also an avid collector of antiquarian books and artifacts. These collections are more than hobbies—they are threads in the rich tapestry of human history that I am dedicated to exploring and preserving.


"Echoes of Invention" is just the beginning of a journey where past and future merge. I invite you to join me in this ongoing exploration of discovery. Stay connected and updated on my latest projects through social media or my website. Together, let's keep the story going!

Feel free to reach out and connect with me. I'm excited to share this path of creativity and discovery with you. Let's inspire and uplift each other with our stories.

Cheers, Nichasie

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Ms. Nichasie